Donnybrook wasn't able to sail in the NOOD distance race, but I was able to sail with my friend and Mac crew member Todd on his boat, Grace Anne, a Catalina 30.
The weather is perfect, high 70s on the water and southeast winds in the low teens. We're sailing along very nicely and having a great time.
Here, Ryan, Brendan, and Todd are keeping things under control while I'm serving as rail meet.
The purpose of this blog is to share the Sailboat Donnybrook and crew's Lake Michigan sailing, cruising, and racing experience. Donnybrook is a 1990 Catalina 34 that sails out of Belmont Harbor in Chicago. The highlight of Donnybrook's sailing season is a 2 week Lake Michigan/Great Lakes cruise which begins with the Chicago Mackinac race. Anything sailing, cruising, or Catalina 34 related will be featured. From the Captain and Crew of Donnybrook, enjoy!
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